Degree Requirements
What is a Bachelor's Degree?
A bachelor's degree is normally awarded after all undergraduate work has been completed successfully. It indicates competence in your major area of academic interest. The degree is usually completed within a four-year period. However, it may take a shorter or longer time, depending upon the individual student. Regulations established by the University of California Regents specify minimum scholarship and residency requirements. These are fully described in the UCR General Catalog.
In addition to completing a course of study in your major area of academic interest, the three colleges have "breadth requirements." For students in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, these include courses in foreign language, humanities, fine arts, social sciences, ethnic studies, physical and biological sciences, math, computer science, and/or statistics. An additional requirement is a year-long series of English compositions.
Each department develops the curriculum in its major and designs certain coursework necessary to prove competency in the major.
Degree Requirements
(Review the following information carefully)
If you have questions contact your major department and academic advisor. It is your responsibility to be aware of all University, College, and major graduation requirements and to satisfactorily complete those requirements.
Obtaining a Bachelor's Degree
To complete the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree:
- Fulfill General University requirements in Entry Level Writing Requirement and American History and Institutions. Complete 180 units (but not exceed 216 units), which 35 of the last 45 must be in residence in the student's college with at least a C average (2.0) in overall coursework.
- Fulfill campus-wide English Composition requirement and college "breadth requirements." Download the CHASS Breadth Worksheet.
- Complete the specified requirements in the major, with at least a C average (2.00) for upper-division courses in the major discipline.
- Some CHASS departments offer a choice of a B.A. or a B.S. degree. The two degrees differ in the following ways: different course emphasis in the major requirements, and a different distribution of breadth requirements.
General University Requirements
Entry Level Writing Requirement: See the UCR General Catalog for methods of meeting this requirement.
American History and Institutions: See the UCR General Catalog for methods of meeting this requirement.
Satisfactory/No Credit: No more than 1/3 of total UCR units may be taken on the Satisfactory/No Credit grading basis. See the UCR General Catalog for further information regarding S/NC grading options.
Scholarship Requirement: A cumulative GPA of 2.00 must be earned.
Unit Requirement: A minimum of 180 units must be earned. No more than 6 units of physical education activity courses, no 400 series courses, and not more than three courses in the 300 series may be counted toward the 180 unit requirement.
Residence: At least 35 of the last 45 units must be taken at UCR.
College Breadth Requirements
- English Composition (no grade below C)
- Natural Sciences and Mathematics (20 units)
- Humanities (20 units)
- Social Sciences (16 units)
- Ethnicity
- Foreign Language ('C' grade or better in the required course)
Major Requirements
- Lower-Division or Core Courses
- Upper-Division Courses (with a cumulative GPA of 2.00)
- See the requirements for your specific major in the UCR General Catalog
How to Read Your Degree Audit
Your Degree Audit lists all requirements completed as well as those remaining. Degree audits may be accessed on R'Web. The degree audit includes:
- A summary of your progress toward your degree(s).
- Grades received in all courses.
- Cumulative GPA as well as the GPA in your major.
- Academic requirements remaining.
- All academic courses that have been completed or are currently in progress. The degree audit assumes successful completion of work in progress. This section also provides a breakdown of how the courses are being used to satisfy requirements.
- Lists all work that is not applicable to the degree.
After enrolling in courses in your graduation quarter, no remaining requirements should be listed, unless transfer work has not been posted to your UCR academic record. Again, check for any I, IE, IP, or GD grades and take care of them.
Note: Changes to an official transcript are not allowed once the degree is posted.
Second Baccalaureate
The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences does not accept applications for students seeking second baccalaureate degrees.
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Policy
The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is a series of courses offered in the California community colleges that transfer students may complete as a way to satisfy the lower-division breadth/ general education requirements at the UC or the California State University. The IGETC program is administered through the California community college system. Completion of the IGETC must be certified by a community college counselor and submitted to UCR with the student’s final transcript before the first term of enrollment.