Tips for Pre-Business Students
Enrollment Permits
- Students who have equivalent courses like STAT040, CS010, etc. should submit an enrollment permit petition online. The petition can be found here https://business.ucr.edu/student-forms[1]center
- If a student submits an enrollment permit petition with instructor consent, the petition will be reviewed by the Director and the Associate Dean. They will be looking for academic justification for bypassing prerequisites. If no academic justification can be found, the student petition will be denied.
- Students do not need to submit enrollment permit requests if they are currently registered for the prerequisite courses required for the class (unless it’s an equivalent course).
- Even with instructor consent, students cannot submit an enrollment permit to be enrolled in a course that is full. If they meet the prerequisites, they must wait to see if a room becomes available.
Upper Division Business Courses
- Pre-Business Students can begin enrolling in the upper division Business Core Classes once they meet the prerequisites for the courses.
- There is no longer a junior/senior level restriction on Core classes, with the exception of BUS109.
- Prerequisites will not be waived without academic justification.
- Students CAN take Core classes prior to being admitted into the major.
- Students should avoid taking BUS100W and BUS102 during the same quarter.
Unit Requirements and course enrollment
- A student applying to the school of Business is considered as having excess units if they exceed 120 units (not counting AP scores).
- If a student applying to the School of Business is not able to enroll in Business classes but will need additional units to reach 180, or they have not completed a foreign language or American History, they should be advised to take the appropriate courses to fulfill all missing requirements.
- At this time, the School of Business does not offer waitlists for Business Courses. Students must check the registration system to see if a room becomes available in the courses they wish to enroll in.
- School of Business Highly encourages students planning on taking a placement exam for language to do so as early as possible. Preferably during their first year at UCR.
- Please be advised that BUS100W will waive the ENG001C requirements if passed with a C or higher but ENGL001C will not waive the BUS100W requirement.